
Os bons filmes são aqueles que nos fazem torcer pelo beijo heróico dos protagonistas. Os filmes geniais são os que nos deixam uma semana calados, mudos, que nos fazem pensar de que nada vale uma palavra nossa, que estrague a lembrança das últimas linhas de texto de um final memorável.

I guess I could be pretty pissed
of f about what happened to me...
but it's hard to stay mad, when
there's so much beauty in the
world. Sometimes I feel like I'm
seeing it all at once, and it's too
much, my heart fills up like a
balloon that's about to burst...

LESTER continues to FLY above the clouds, LAUGHING.

And then I remember to relax, and
stop trying to hold on to it, and
then it flows through me like rain
and I can't feel anything but
gratitude for every single moment
of my stupid little life...

He's SOARING higher and higher...

You have no idea what I'm talking
about, I'm sure... but don't

And He SOARS out OF sight.

You will someday.


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